2014 - ZPZ PARTNERS was selected among the 12 projects for schools to be exhibited at the Biennale of Architecture in Venice, as part of “AGIbiLE E BELLA Architetture di qualità per la qualità delle scuole” (Architecture quality for the quality of the schools), in the framework of institutional initiatives promoted by MiBACT for the Venice Biennale.
2014 - Special award of the Foundation INARCASSA as as best project by registered architects among the finalists of “AGIbiLE E BELLA - architetture di qualità per la qualità delle scuole” (Architecture quality for the quality of the schools).
2011 - US Award Il Sole 24 Ore _ 1st prize development@work. US Award _ a competition organized by US-Ufficiostile, a specialized magazine by “Il Sole 24 Ore”, to identify excellence in work environment design and to promote and spread the culture of quality and innovation in the workplace.